
Let us help fine-tune your communications strategy today.

Strategy Development

We will help you look before you leap. We’ll do this through a thorough situation assessment and insightful communications recommendations on how to advance your cause, defeat a negative news cycle, launch a product or initiative or otherwise achieve your business objectives. This often times involves direct 1:1 engagement with C-suite executives to provide ongoing as well as on-demand counsel.

We can help identify unique stories to bring your narrative alive, then create compelling pitches that have the greatest chance of resonating with reporters, editors and producers. We can either manage the entire process end-to-end, including pitching, press release creation, audience/reporter targeting, story negotiation, talking point development, spokesperson prep and evaluation – or we can work in tandem with your existing PR resources to add a fresh perspective to the mix.

Media Relations

Crisis Management

We will get in the trenches with you to create and execute end-to-end comms strategies to defeat or mitigate bad news stories. In addition to overseeing external media strategies, we will help create compelling story arcs for internal and employee audiences to help them serve as force multipliers and understand a company’s stance on an issue or emergent situation.

We are skilled at developing materials and programs that help executives put their best foot forward when it comes to communicating a new position, product or program. This includes media/speaker training, briefing books, talking points and rude Q&A, speeches and presentations, blogs and sound bytes..This will often times entail close engagement with the client’s HR and legal groups to ensure a communications strategy or messaging is aligned with higher-level priorities.

Corporate Communications

We can handle all manner of writing assignments, from blogs and speeches to bylined articles and internal email cascades. We employe a unique “listen, learn, ask, produce, improve” model on all writing assignments. We listen to stakeholders, quickly learn about the topic at-hand, ask probing questions, and then get to writing. We’ll then present drafts, take edits and produce revisions as necessary


Communication Team Buildout

For those earlier stage companies looking to build a communications or PR function internally, we can serve as “leader in residence” to spearhead the effort on a temporary basis while recruiting and on-boarding full-time staff.

Government and Commercial Partnerships

We've led dozens of joint partnerships with U.S. government agencies,  foreign governments, Defense Industrial Base (DIB) organizations, and Fortune 1000 companies. This requires us to professionally represent our clients' needs and negotiate their interests when crafting an announcement strategy, while at the same time taking care not to alienate partners in the process.  This can be particularly challenging with international and government entities who may have different cultural, regulatory, privacy and/or language nuances that need to be factored in.  It's complex work we have a proven track record on.

Video and Webinar Support

We are skilled at shooting, producing, marketing and amplifying webinars and corporate videos, and can handle most projects soup to nuts without involving a myriad of subcontractors. This service is particularly useful for any company interested in launching a new product or service, training customers and employees on a program, or building market awareness for a project or initiative.